Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Reasons Why Everyone Needs An Android Device

since i got my first android a year ago, its made life a lil easier for me....dont get me wrong any smartfone will do(ios, windows) but i'm writing this based on my experience
first and foremost a good android device can save you from a lot of stress and tricky situations,
with an android device you do not need a modem, when u've got wifi and usb tethering: have ur own personal wifi hotspot to connect ur pc to and also help out friends in need of internet connectivity.

utilising ur android device to the fullest is impossible without downloading the right apps...below is a list of awesome apps that can make life easier.
1. camscanner : camscanner is an android app that allows the users to scan documents at very good quality even converts to pdf when u're done (u might need a fone with at least 5mp and autofocus)...the app has helped me out countless times, when u need to fill out an online form and upload documents, u can do that on the go using cam scanner.

2. quickoffice: this is an android alternative to microsoft office on windows and gives u almost all the options u wud get in the windows software. u can create and edit word, excel and powerpoint documents on d go with ur android device

3. tasker: this app is one of the craziest apps i've seen on android.u can literarily turn ur smart fone to a smarter fone.its an app that allows you to programme your fone to do certain things when certain conditions are example of what i did is to programme my fone to be silent whenever it is sunday between 8am and 12pm if and only if i'm in if i go to the church on a monday the sounds are on....if i'm in church on a sunday afternoon, the sounds are on and if it sunday morning and i'm not in d church the sounds are on so it only turns sound off it its sunday morning, between 8am and 10pm and only if i'm in my church environment. there are countless things you can programme ur fone to do

4. gps essentials and google maps: these are gps softwares and we all knw what gps does.the gps essentials gives u parameters such as current speed, latitude and longitude, distance travelled, etc...this really helped me out in my final year project as i needed a gps device for my field maps gives u maps of places and even satellite views so u can never get lost...

5. smart tools; this is a collection of tools that can consists of a ruler, diatance measuing tool, angle measuring tool, sound measuring tool, metal detecting tool, a plumbine and flashlight...they all work because an android device has all d hardware necessary to make them work..

6. sensor music player: maybe u're doing serious work and ur hands are dirty and u want to change music on ur need to worry, just hit the table where ur fone is or wave ur hand over ur fone and the music changes...u can also be walking and u wanna change music without bringing the fone out of ur pocket..just tap ur pocket and d music changes
7. sybla tv: ur own cable tv on ur mobile fone.have access to football matches, news, documentary, music and movies on ur mobile fone..(note the app requires data)

8. viber: very good for internet calling...requires data .requires about 14mb for every hour spent talking..
these are just a few apps that are great to have on ur smart fone...feel free to add what ur android does for you!!

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